Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Answer

The Answer is an awesome song by Joe Iconis. From his fail musical, The Black Suits. It is an amazing song. I love it. You can find it here: Anyway, there is this one line I love and so I wrote a poem about it. The poem is sort of random and I feel like it is just a lot of random words thrown together to make a vague idea of sense. Also, the lines are really long. Which is abnormal for me. But anyways, here it is. The Answer: or lack there of.

The Answer
Eternal words echoing endlessly, never hearing always understanding:
Maybe for once I’ll really try, or fuck it all and just get high
Cause that’s an answer… feels like an answer.
It seems so true and distant and fake and irrelevant;
Getting high is never an option and yet
It all seems so real, so relevant, so in your face.
It’s not defying, rather being, rather trying.
Finding the answer is a hopeless venture:
A tireless, hopeless venture we still yearn after, always hoping.
I don’t know, I’ll never know, I don’t want to know
Anything and everything and the answer.
Death is the meaningless void with which we fill eternity
And the answer can only be found in that instant:
Stuck between the two ideas of now and eternity.

Friday, May 22, 2009

More 6 Word Memoirs

Okay, so I haven't written in a while. Not just here, but in general. I'm having a very long mental block... The best I could come up with was this... which I find both good and bad. I feel like a) It is too simple and b) there is too much that it could mean.

Dear Chris, I loved you. Jane

Monday, May 4, 2009

Gypsy Step

This is a poem based upon the story of two young lovers who reside in Harlem, New York in 1899. It is based off of an RP (technically a gabbly but it is still an RP) that I am a part of with another girl... The title is based off of the two lovers. One is a gypsy the other likes to sit on "his" step. So yeah. I love fictional romance; it is so romantic.

Gypsy Step
You and I
quiet resistance
quiet love
a brief moment
to live
to love
to be.
A star
a rose
a hidden past
to kiss
passing moments
passing fears

Shove Your Foot Back Up Your Ass

This is a venting poem. It expresses that feeling of when you don't get something you wanted (a job perhaps) and they can't just reject you, they have to be like "you were a really good canidate BUT..." We've all felt this or something similar. I want this poem to be pretty universal so I won't focus too much on the personal side of this poem. Also, the title is slightly random but absolutely amazing.

Shove Your Foot Back Up Your Ass
It wouldn't hurt me
to tell me what I know.
It would only ever hurt me
if you tried to make excuses.
It would hurt if you said
I was good but not good enough.
It would confuse me endlessly
if you said I showed capability.
It would hurt me for you to tell me,
for now, I'll never be anything more.
It wouldn't make me feel bad
if you had just said 'no'.
But you put your foot in your mouth,
again, and now I hate you.
It wouldn't hurt me, but now,
I think you take me for a one-trick pony.
And I'm not.